
Music - No Practice No Problem

No Practice No Problem (NPNP) are four guys who get together once a year to play classic rock, be funny, and recount their bygone youth. I play bass.



Music - The Connection

The Connection band plays at Covenant UMC. I play keyboards.

This is my chance to donate my talents in a way that serves others.



Music - Handbells

I began playing handbells in 1989. Since then I have also directed. Although I play high bells from time to time I seem to spend most of my time at the lower end of the tables.



I taught myself how to juggle the day after graduating from high school. While waiting for a friend to go play tennis, I started tossing 3 tennis balls around and the rest is history. I have been a long-time member of Fort Wayne's Juggler's Anonymous juggling club and a life member of the International Juggler's Association. Alas, this hobby has "dropped" off in recent years in favor of other activities.

Ham Radio

Ham Radio

They call me KD9SX. I earned my first amateur radio license while in college. I now hold an advanced-class license. I have been a member of AC-ARTS (Allen County-Amateur Radio Technical Society), have volunteered at the Fort Wayne Hamfest, and participated in "field day", an emergency-preparedness exercise.



Nothing beats putting on your helmet and hitting the open road. I have literally spent hundreds of hours at Foster Park. After getting my bachelor's degree I literally left a hundred of pounds there.



I was never one for camping but my kids have taught me that nature isn't so bad after all. I have been involved with both cub and boy scouts with my kids.